
From Nest Guides

While Nest is a complete and real public Linux server, there are some limtations on what you can do on Nest. Below is a comprehensive list of what you cannot do on Nest by default:

  • Anything requiring root or sudo access. This is restricted to Nest admins. If you would like something to be done that requires root permissions, such as installing a system-wide package, you may ask the Nest admins.
  • Use more than 15GB of disk space. If you require more or less disk space than this, you may ask the Nest admins.
  • Use more than 2GB of RAM. If you require more or less RAM than this, you may ask the Nest admins.
  • Use excessive CPU time. While there are no hard limits set on CPU usage at this time, Nest is a community server and it's important to share the limited resources on the server.
  • Anything that violates the Acceptable Use Policy.

In general, just keep in mind that Nest is a shared server, and requires the cooperation of everyone using it to be successful. These limitations are set in place to keep Nest a place where every teenager in the world can host their projects for free. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Nest admins.